Nadia, Vigilante
Page 144
About half an hour later, your Aunt Carissa shows up to pick Isabella up. You stay with Moira for a while.
"I wasn't going to say anything in front of Izzy, but I think you know where I'm going with this..." Moira says. "Look, I'm not a moron. I think I know why sometimes you have to bail on us without warning,
and your little secret is safe with me - even if half the town has their suspicions...I wouldn't even bring it up if I didn't need this guy to go down in the worst way...Jeffrey M. Reese Jr. is gonna die. I'll kill him without your help
if you won't be a part of it..."
Moira seems dead serious about this. A voice inside your head is screaming out loud not to get involved, but another one is screaming out loud that if you don't, she'll screw it up somehow. Unlike you, Moira isn't
accustomed to killing people, especially not Aryan scumbags...and you have some experience in that department.